Your daily grocery items
Your daily shopping needs
Daily medication needs at your fingertips
Local top service providers
Enjoy all services in one platform
We make grocery shopping quick & easy.
Find your local neighborhood grocery stores at your fingertips with Duck Chacha.
Natural & Organic products.
Eat natural & healthy products from your local marketplaces, it's safe, and it's comfortable.
Stay home, stay safe & get your daily needs fulfilled with ease.
Life can be busy, and we strive to make it as easy as possible for you. Let's get started.
We make food deliveries more interesting and fun.
Browse through all the suppliers and providers from your neighborhood and get started today.
Tasty & healthy choices.
Eating healthy is one of the best gifts that you can give your body, why wait?
Stay home & enjoy your favorite dishes with our easy to setup subscriptions.
Missing home-cooked meals? Well, not anymore. Duck Chacha has got you covered.